#Goals for #2020 with @meganslayer #bloggingchallenge #longandshortreviews

I’m so glad we’re still doing the blogging challenge with Long and Short Reviews. I love doing these, even if sometimes they seem hard. This week’s challenge involves my goals for 2020.

Normally, I’d say I’m not a goal person. I like to let things happen. But… I do have a few goals for this year.

One of them happens to be writing on a more regular basis. I’m good at getting the words down, but not so great at having the time to do so. Family loves to intrude and the characters retreat when that happens.

Another goal is to spend time with my grandmother. She’s 89 and not in the greatest of health. There’s a whole box of pictures that are’t labeled and I know she knows who is in them. I also know she’s got stories she’s aching to share and no one to listen. I’m listening. Plus, my grandfather passed away back in September. He had stories, I’m sure, that would’ve been great. He had stories about his time in Europe during WWII that probably aren’t so great and just plain scary, but no one was listening and he wasn’t telling them. I want to at least make a record of my grandmother’s stories.

The third goal is to run. Like actually run. I’m pretty nifty at speed walking. I can do a 12 1/2 min mile, but I’d like to be able to run. The child, who runs cross country, is going to be my trainer (so to speak), so here goes nothing! Right?

What are your goals? What’s your plan for this year? I’d love to know. 🙂

14 thoughts on “#Goals for #2020 with @meganslayer #bloggingchallenge #longandshortreviews

  1. My dad was in WWII and I have hundreds of pix of when he was there in Germany but he refused to talk about it. I can’t blame him, but I feel like I lost so much by not hearing his stories. I’m glad you’ll be listening to your grandmother!

    Re: running–too bad we aren’t closer and could train together!

    • That would be nice to train together. 🙂
      As for my grandfather, we found lots of pictures and a few cameras that are from his time in WWII. But yeah, we don’t have a lot of info on his time there. My grandmother wouldn’t know because he didn’t talk to her about it, either. But I’m sure she’ll have lots of other stories to tell. Thanks 🙂

  2. Thanks for coming by earlier.. and your goal about spending more time with your grandmother is awesome. I know some stories of when my Mama was younger (she’s about the same age as your grandmother) but since her stroke, she can’t share them now. I’m trying to share them with the younger generation…and I’m working on a book for MY kids, so they and the grandkids will have it. Give my best to your grandmother…I still miss mine even though she’s been gone since I was in high school.

    • All I have left are my grandmothers. I started life with four sets of grandparents. Two sets of greats and my grands. Now all I have left are my grandmas. I don’t want the stories to go by the wayside, so I might put them in to a book. Who knows. Thanks. ((hugs))

  3. Whatever time you have with your Grandmother is a blessing. Be careful about beginning with running. Pay attention to your body, the stress is different than walking and so are the muscles. I used to run cross-country and track as well as coached. Build up to your speed and distance and cut back if you are having prolonged pain.

  4. I think spending time with your grandmother is a wonderful ideas. One of my goals is to digitize family photographs but without the help of my mother who has late stage dementia now. Gather your family stories, record them while you can. 😀

  5. I’m glad to see I’m not the only author with a goal for this year of writing more! I guess we all have that universal resolve. 🙂 I also think it’s wonderful that you want to spend as much time as possible with your grandmother. My grandfather died more than 5 years ago, and I treasure memories of the time I enjoyed with him.

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