Saturday Seven ~ Legends of the Silver Screen, Ladies Edition with @meganslayer #movies #ladies #actresses #list #silverscreen

This week I thought I’d focus on the gals of the silver screen. I love the clothes, the cattiness and the fun of these ladies. I’m sure my list will have some that aren’t on yours and yours will have some I forgot. Here they are in no particular order:

7. Jean Harlow – she is the platinum blond and one heck of a funny lady

6. Carole Lombard – My Man Godfrey wouldn’t have been the same without her.

5. Jean Arthur – that voice, that way of telling people off while still sounding sweet…love her

4. Katharine Hepburn – I loved her in Bringing Home Baby and haven’t looked back. 🙂

3. Deborah Kerr – She could romance Cary Grant, make Robert Taylor nearly give up his life in a fire and still look elegant, even when ruffled.

2. Lauren Bacall – that voice and the whistle. I see why Bogie fell.

1. Bette Davis and Joan Crawford- these two only worked together once, but they’ve been linked forever. Not by that show, but by the competitiveness and the way they wanted to be better than each other. They both were forces on the screen and women to reckon with. I kind of think a picture where they were pitted against each other at a younger age would’ve been dynamite and would’ve been great for their acting chops. I admire them for their pluck, determination and grit.

Okay, I’m sure I left a few people out. I can think of about five honorable mentions. Guess I’ll have to write a second one of these lists, too. Grin. Who would you add? Let me know!

7 thoughts on “Saturday Seven ~ Legends of the Silver Screen, Ladies Edition with @meganslayer #movies #ladies #actresses #list #silverscreen

  1. It’s so nice to see the female half of this list now. I don’t know enough about classic era actresses to add anyone to your list, but I’ll be curious to read the rest of your posts on this topic.

    This is my Saturday Seven post for this week.

  2. LOVE Katherine Hepburn, even as she got older (“On Golden Pond” was freaking amazing). Never did like Bette Davis, not sure why. But Lauren Bacall was hot, Hot, HOT. Great choices. I was a big fan of musicals, too, so I’d list Debbie Reynolds as well 🙂

  3. AWESOME POST!!! — May I add, Mae West? She was a groundbreaker for sure. 😉
    And Barbara Stanwyck – she was a class act and always came across as a refined lady, even when she wasn’t. I really enjoyed and agreed with every actress you listed. 🙂

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