Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge @Meganslayer #longandshortreviews #meganslayer #books


I’ve opted to start taking part in the Wednesday Blogging Challenge with Long and Short Reviews. Want to join in? You know you do. Here’s the link so you can join in:

And the topics:


This week’s topic is books that need a prequel.

Huh…I have to say, I can’t think of any book that needs a prequel. Not at first.

At second consideration, there is one. You might not agree with me. That’s okay.  I grew up in a time when it seemed like a lot of kids were being abducted. It wasn’t even high profile kids like celebrity kids, but regular ones. Ones like me. It was scary.

So if I were going to request a prequel for a book, it’d be for the book, Amy: My Search for Her Killer: Secrets and Suspects in the Unsolved Murder of Amy Mihaljevic by James Renner 

I want to know what this girl, one a lot like me, was like before the bad stuff. What did she want to do with her life? I’d love a picture of this young lady before…you know. Just to get to know her. I grew up with the picture on the news, but I didn’t really know much about her.

That’s what I’d like a prequel for. But then again, I’d love a better ending, too. The author mentions when we were kids, we watched movies where the bad guy is caught and even though bad stuff happens, the good guys win out. This wasn’t one of those stories. I’d rather have the good ending. The satisfying one. Unfortunately, I can’t.

What about you? What book would you like a prequel for? Which one of mine would you want one for? Let me know.

Be sure to check out the other posts for the blog hop. You’ll be glad you did.

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